Yet Another File Transfert Program

YAFTP general project informations

yaftp is now hosted and managed as a FSF sourceforge project. you can reach sourceforge yaftp project homepage from here.

since source forge is providing everything needed to managed and organize project , yaftp will now be entirely managed from sourceforce site. Links inside this document will reflect this change.

What makes YaFtp different from other client ftp programs :

Designed to interface OS390 FTP functionalities(JOB Submissions, JES2 QUEUES)...

YaFtp dynamically recognizes the FTP server he is connecting to and is able to provide a Client side Graphical interface to FTP server's functionalities : when connected to an OS390 FTP server, user is given the capalbility to SUBMIT JCL to MVS and to get back the JOB OUTPUT in an HTML syntax colored view .( see Screen shots ) , of course these functionality is not activated if the connected server is a UNIX box.

YaFtp is a 100% full java portable Graphical FTP client interface.

You can use it on any platform providing a JAVA Runtime Environment version 1.1.8 + SWING package or JAVA2 JRE ==> It runs on multiple platforms (WINDOWS,OS2,LINUX,SOLARIS.....)

You can integrate YaFtp classes inside your own java development.

A clean design separation has been made between GUI classes and FTP RFC rules classes. This provides two ways of using the tool.

Java classes contained inside the yaftp.jar file are fully documented and provided with associated UML schemas which make the YaFtp classes easy to integrate inside your development wether or not the AWT or SWING package are available on your platform or not : The basic FTP and JOBSUMISSION classes are presentation free and may be integarted inside your own java applications.

FTP server idiosynchrasies are dynamically recognized and made ready to be used (=> YES you can submit JOBS to JES using YaFtp ).

You can use MVS FTP extensions provided by the IBM OE FTP server (JES extension including jubsubmissions and HOLD QUEUE management, SQL extension will be made available in later versions). Other platforms FTP server (UNIX , WINDOWS ) are also recognized at connection time, and ready to implement any welcomed extensions provided by those platforms only ).

Copyright © 2000,2001,2002 Jean-Yves MENGANT .

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